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Plumfield and Paideia

Plumfield and Paideia

Browse Reviewed Books



Canadian Summer

Canadian Summer

Reviewed by Sara Masarik
When Diane and I were preparing for our formal interview with Dr. John Tepper Marlin, son of Hilda van Stockum, he told us that people would often remark to his mother that she had “such interesting children.” Marlin said that his mother always chuckled at that remark because she thought that all children were interesting, but that most parents don’t listen much. Hilda was an astute observer of people, and children in particular. And John said that his mother was always listening to people, and afterward scribbling down detailed notes about their stories. All of her books were born out of overheard conversations, anecdotes from letters, and stories that people would tell her while with her. Read the full review

Candy Bomber: The Story of the Berlin Airlift's

Candy Bomber: The Story of the Berlin Airlift's "Chocolate Pilot"

Reviewed by Diane Pendergraft
This is a story of the selflessness and compassion of countless people. The Germans of Berlin could hardly believe their very recent enemies were now so dedicated to saving their lives. Such stories of virtue are important, but what I find most important in this one is the attitude of the suffering Berliners. Their city had been bombed to rubble, surely all of them had lost loved ones, they were starving and were facing a winter without fuel for heat or cooking. I imagine parents being near desperation for the sake of their children. But they knew some things are more important than physical comfort, and that some are even worth dying for. Read the full review

Cape Lost

Cape Lost

Reviewed by Sara Masarik
This second book is in that sweet spot of coming-of-age. Gay and Merry have gone off to boarding school (as is normal at that time). Gay glosses over her school time and focuses on her holidays at Drovers Road. Gay is still too young to be seriously romantic with anyone, so the romance in this story shifts between her cousin Eve’s engagement and some notice of the boys who are interested in Gay. This book reminds me of Margot Benary Isbert’s Ark, and the 1961 Disney Horsemasters. While there may be boys interested in Gay, they need to be able to ride and hunt to really be noticed by her. Read the full review


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