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Plumfield and Paideia

Plumfield and Paideia

Browse Reviewed Books



Kavik: The Wolf Dog

Kavik: The Wolf Dog

Reviewed by Diane Pendergraft
Charlie One Eye raises sled dogs to sell. The fight and intelligence he sees in the new puppy, several parts wolf, inspire Charlie to make one more attempt at winning the North American Sled Dog Derby in Fairbanks, Alaska. He names the puppy Kavik, Eskimo for wolverine. Two years later, Charlie and Kavik win the race. Read the full review

The Keeper of the Bees

The Keeper of the Bees

Reviewed by Kathy Andrews
After many twists and turns, Jamie (as his friends call James), finds himself the sole aide to an elderly gentleman, The Bee Master, who is in very poor health. As the man is being taken to the hospital, he makes Jamie promise to take care of his property and his bees until such time as he can return. Bees? Property? What does Jamie know of those? Nothing! But that does not stop him from promising. He honors his word, which leads him to meet his new neighbor, Mrs. Cameron, and the Little Scout, who are both bent on honoring their own promises. Read the full review

Kermit the Hermit

Kermit the Hermit

Reviewed by Sara Masarik
I really appreciate Peet’s illustrative style in all of the books I have read. The story in this one is particularly winning. Told in A-B style rhyme, Peet’s use of big and complex words that rhyme is impressive. This book is fun to read aloud because it sounds so good but also tells a story worth hearing. This one is sweet and charming. Read the full review


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