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Plumfield and Paideia

Plumfield and Paideia

Browse Reviewed Books



The Labors of Hercules Beal

The Labors of Hercules Beal

Reviewed by Sara Masarik
Lt. Colonel Hupfer is brusque and unyielding but he is also thoughtful and caring. As Hercules’s homeroom teacher, he is the teacher with the most contact with this overwhelmed and grieving boy. And, as the humanities instructor, he is wildly creative in how he makes mythology meaningful for his class. At the beginning of the year he assigns to each of his students a unique year-long project that allows the student to connect with the material in a way that is consistent with their gifts and talents. One artistic student draws over one hundred maps from the myths. Another interviews every set of twins on Cape Cod. Hercules is to “make, do, perform, execute, accomplish” each of the twelve labors of Hercules. Read the full review



Reviewed by Sara Masarik
This book is fun, exciting, so interesting, and genuinely hard to put down. I loved it, and I have four library patrons in mind who will have to fight over who gets to borrow it first. That said, there are some challenging bits in here that I think a parent may wish to know about. So, as you read on, know that I loved the book and am so glad to have it. But also know that I think it is best suited to a reader about 12 and older. After my general thoughts, I will highlight the challenges as I see them. Read the full review

The Last Archer: A Green Ember Story

The Last Archer: A Green Ember Story

Reviewed by Sara Masarik
Jo Shanks is an insecure and self-absorbed rabbit who has much to learn. A hero in the making, Jo needs to first understand himself and his cause better. Readers of Ember Falls are keenly aware of what Jo is capable of, but in this story, Jo is floundering. Jo’s confusion about himself and the characters around him affords us the opportunity to reflect on how grace really works. Knowing what Jo will become, we read this story with hope and faith that all of it will work itself out. Read our full rerview to find out where this story fits in the timeline and why Sara loves it so much. Read the full review


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