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Mountains in their rugged grandeur have always presented a challenge to man. All About Mountains and Mountaineering is the story of the world's great ranges and of the men who met their challenge.

Where did the mountains come from? Are they all the same age? How were the different kinds of mountains formed? In this book, you will read of block mountains, folded mountains, and volcanic mountains -- of islands that are the tops of volcanoes and other that are the peaks of the mighty Atlantic Ridge.

Here are the Alps, with their avalanches and glaciers and blinding snows; the fur-rich Rockies, standing as a barrier to Americans; the treasure-filled Andes, which the Indians conquered; and the Himalayas, top of the world, most challenging of all mountains.

With unusual narrative skill, Anne Terry White tells the stirring tale of men against mountains, and presents the drama and suspense of great achievements in mountaineering.

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Anne Terry White

Anne Terry White

1896 - 1980
Anne Terry White’s classmates, back in her New England high school days, voted her both the best girl student and the most ambitious. But her ... See more

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