America Travels: The Story of a Hundred Years of Travel in America

Alice Dalgliesh
America Travels: The Story of a Hundred Years of Travel in America by Alice Dalgliesh
Hildegard Woodward
1933 by The Macmillan Company
Fiction, Historical Fiction, History, Non-fiction, Short Story
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Eight traveling tales, all about real children, in authentic settings of various periods. Deborah travels alone by stage coach, Jenny has a stormy passage across the Atlantic in a sailing vessel, David goes riding on a small yellow train, the first to go out on the Mohawk and Hudson R.R.
Then you meet a little girl who lived on a canal boat in Ohio, some children who traveled west in a covered wagon, other boys and girls who used carriages and buggies, and, at last, two boys who rode in one of the first automobiles.
These stories will delight young people who hitherto have had stuffy information in the typical school transportation books.
The second section is a "picture story of travel," with additional facts, dramatically and briefly given, bringing the whole down to modern times.
As a gift book, and on school and library shelves, such a book will find many friends among younger boys and girls.
From the dust jacket
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