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Chinese New Year is here, and along with it the good-luck traditions that make up this dynamic celebration. See how kids greet the New Year by writing characters, getting haircuts, eating noodles, and honoring their families.

From dumplings to firecrackers, red envelopes to the zodiac, Ying Chang Compestine and YongSheng Xuan introduce young readers to the exciting customs of the Chinese New Year.

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Ying Chang Compestine

Ying Chang Compestine

1963 -
Ying Chang Compestine grew up in China and later moved to the United States. This is her fourth book about the Kang family, following The Story of C... See more
YongSheng Xuan

YongSheng Xuan

1952 -
Chinese Canadian
YongSheng Xuan is an acclaimed illustrator of many books for children, including Eric Kimmel's The Rooster's Antlers: A Story of the Chinese Zodiac.... See more

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