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The voyage of discovery that Arthur Denison and his son, Will, began in Dinotopia now continues in The World Beneath. On the lost island continent where dinosaurs and humans live together in peaceful interdependence. Arthur embarks on a quest into Dinotopia's deepest mystery that soon becomes a desperate race to keep Dinotopia's existence unknown to the outside world.

When The World Beneath begins, Professor Denison unveils his new invention, a steam-powered flying machine. Will, a fledgling Skybax pilot, flies his father's creation over Waterfall City, but disaster strikes, and Will narrowly escapes death.

Though stung by the failure of his machine, Arthur Denison turns his focus to an earlier exploration of ancient caves that yielded artifacts he believes point to a long-lost Dinotopian civilization. The mysterious society seemingly employed a technology beyond any that Arthur has ever encountered. The answer lies in The World Beneath.

Arthur Denison and Bix soon organize an expedition that will include the untrustworthy but resourceful Lee Crabb, and Oriana, a beautiful musician who holds the key to their quest.

While Will flies scouting missions for caravans in the Rainy Basin, Professor Denison and his team plunge deeper into the heart of the island, toward a monumental discovery that will teach him an important lesson about the power and peril of technology.

Full of dramatic illustrations like those that delighted the readers of Dinotopia, this sequel offers another wondrous excursion into this saurian realm. The balance of science and nature created by James Gurney's imagination guides us from one wonder to the next. . .until we stand beside Arthur Denison in contemplation of an ancient marvel called Poseidos.

From the dust jacket

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James Gurney

James Gurney

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Dinotopia, The World Beneath: 20th Anniversary Edition Reprint

Dinotopia, The World Beneath: 20th Anniversary Edition
Reprinted in 2012 by Calla Editions (Imprint of Dover Publications)
Available formats: Hardcover
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Plumfield and Paideia

Dinotopia Books & Movies
Reviewed by Sara Masarik
The books are quite wholesome and a feast for the imagination. The art is exquisite, and it bears the hallmarks of a creator who worked for National Geographic on archeological dig sites, but who was descended from engineers and patent holders. Gurney is absolutely inspired in these stories.

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