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From the icy plains of Norway where the Ice Bird sleeps until spring, a Christmas legend of loyalty and devotion is told—

"The skies were filled with the soft rustle of wings. From every corner of the earth the swans were flying to Bethlehem." The most beautiful and majestic were the Royal Swans, chosen by the other birds to sing for them in Bethlehem. The Royal Swans—to their shame—could not sing, but their fragile companion, the tiny Ice Bird, sang with overwhelming beauty.

The Ice Bird was too delicate to survive the arduous journey, and without protection of Tinga's wings, he would perish from the cold. Driven by an intense desire to help the swans, the courageous Ice Bird hid under Tinga's wing during their flight. The friendship between the Ice Bird and the Royal Swans is vividly portrayed in their perilous journey to Bethlehem, and the final triumph of the Ice Bird's glorious song for the Christ child.

This gentle tale of unselfish devotion gives new meaning to the spirit of Christmas.

From the dust jacket

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Pauline Innis

Pauline Innis

British American
Pauline Innis was born in England, where swans are still legendary creatures. Her own travels to the arctic following the whistling swans and her or... See more
Wesley Dennis

Wesley Dennis

Wesley Dennis, the famous illustrator and portrait painter, is shown with two of his pets. The giant bird is an emu. Wesley Dennis has illustrated ... See more

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Kirkus Reviews

The Ice Bird: A Christmas Legend
The story is adapted from a Norwegian tale about this native bird. This particular Ice Bird was sort of an ugly swanling. He...

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