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In the city of Akhetaten lived a princess who from early childhood knew herself destined to share a throne. We come to know and love this girl through the events of her colorful career and her marriage to a lad of royal birth, the discovery of whose tomb thirty centuries later amazed the world. Ankhsenamon's efforts to save her kingdom from designing priests and soldiers were gallant and dramatic. The actual fate of this girl queen is unknown. In her story Mrs. Morrison ventures to suppose an ending to the romance that is both logical and satisfying.

This is an extraordinarily accurate and vivid picture of domestic and court life that enlivens and enriches any study of the culture of ancient Egypt.

Of this book Bertha E. Mahony says: "Here is a story which brings close to young people today Ankhsenamon, who married Tutankhamon and went with him to Thebes as Queen of Egypt when she was twelve years old. Based upon careful research, THE LOST QUEEN OF EGYPT is a thoroughly lively and interesting story of boys and girls in the courts of Pharaohs more than three thousand years ago."

A. S. Arnold, American Secretary of the Egypt Exploration Fund, says: "The book is not only vibrant, but substantially authentic. It unrolls skillfully a significant age in human history."

From the dust jacket

All the characters of this story lived in Egypt during the latter part of the Eighteenth Dynasty (1580-1350 B.C.). Only now and then has a name been supplied for artist, nurse or slave whose exact title history does not record. It is inevitable that known facts should be variously interpreted by different authorities, but every effort has been made to select those interpretations which seemed most in keeping with the spirit of the characters and the written records of the time.

The story begins in the city of Akhetaten on the Nile. With the support of the Egypt Exploration Fund, archaeologists are now carrying on active work at Tel-el-Amarna, the site of this ancient city, built by Akhenaten. The story later moves to Thebes where Tutankhamon's tomb was opened in 1922. From the back cover

It is not often that a novel or biography spanning time and space alike, succeeds in bringing to life with absorbing intensity the characters and events of a far-distant age. This miracle has undoubtedly been achieved by the author in this story of Ancient Egypt.

Written primarily for older boys and girls—but in our opinion of quite fascinating interest to the adult reader—this biographical novel tells the story of the girl queen Ankhsenamon, 3,300 years ago, first at the court of her father, Akhenaten, then as the wife of the young king Tutankhamon at Thebes. Against an extraordinarily accurate and brilliant picture of domestic and court life we follow the dramatic career of the "lost" queen and her efforts to save her kingdom from scheming priests and aggressive generals. The actual fate of Ankhsenamon is not known, but the author has imagined an ending to the romance, which provides a logical and satisfactory climax to a beautifully told story.

From the dust jacket of the 1938 Secker and Warburg edition

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Lucile Morrison

Lucile Morrison

1896 - 1991
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The Lost Queen of Egypt Reprint

The Lost Queen of Egypt Revised    
Reprinted in 2020 by Purple House Press
Available formats: Hardcover
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This edition was "slightly revised" by the publisher. To learn more, visit the FAQ page.

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