We Were There at the Boston Tea Party

Robert N. Webb
Historical Consultant:
Louis Leo Snyder
E. F. Ward
1956 by Grosset & Dunlap
Fiction, Historical Fiction
We Were There
Series Number: 3
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Young Jeremy Winthrop and his sister Deliverance peered through their spy glass at the ship bound for Boston harbor that day in November, 1773. D-A-R-T —the tea ship Dartmouth!
The two rushed to patriot Sam Adams' house with the news. And soon Adams' warning rumbled through the streets of Boston -- "The Dartmouth is here, bearing in her hold the brew that may steep us in a war of revolution." No wonder there might be trouble! Boston was in a rebellious mood. To the colonists tea meant taxation by the English king without representation.
The weeks that followed were filled with adventure as Jeremy and Del joined in the conspiracy against the Dartmouth and its cargo. There were messages to be delivered to John Hancock and Paul Revere—and red-coated British "lobster-backs" to be avoided with the help of Adams' shaggy black dog, Queue.
Then at last came the night of December 16. Redskinned "Mohawks" stole silently aboard the Dartmouth as she lay at anchor, and tomahawks crashed down on chest after chest of tea. It was a party—a Boston Tea Party, and one of the first strikes for liberty. Jeremy Winthrop, the youngest "Mohawk" of them all, was a proud part of it.
From the dust jacket
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