We Were There with Lincoln in the White House

Earl Schenck Miers
Historical Consultant:
Allan Nevins
Federico (Fred) Castellon
1963 by Grosset & Dunlap
Fiction, Historical Fiction
We Were There
Series Number: 36
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"I guess you've heard about Pa, and what he did, but nobody ever knew him the way I did," reports eight-year-old Taddie Lincoln, beginning the account of the election that sent "Old Abe" to the White House.
With Tad, you, the reader, are there as "Pa" assumes leadership of a nation torn by war, while Tad explores the presidential mansion, turning it topsy-turvy when he finds the controls to the communication system.
But it's not all mischief for Tad. Slowly, with the booming of guns across the Potomac, he realizes it is WAR. And as "Pa" looks more troubled, Tad mourns that a general can't be found to "give it to" General Lee, but he rejoices when the President frees the slaves.
With "Pa," Tad reviews troops, visits the field camp of General Grant, meets General Sherman, and hears the freed slaves cheering "Pa" when he visits the captured Confederate capital of Richmond.
Tad isn't at Ford's Theater the night an assassin's bullet finds its mark. He isn't there, and he's glad. Because Tad and the nation still need "Honest Abe," and it just hurts too much to talk about him any more.
From the dust jacket
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