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Sue-Ellen Pashley

Sue-Ellen has always been a storyteller (just ask her older brother!) and a devourer of books from the time she understood what they actually were. From the excitement of winning a prize at the age of 8 for two poems – the fat kid and knitting needles (masterpieces that deserved the literary merit!) to actually having an editor say that she loved her book, writing has always been a bit of an obsession.

She is the first to admit that she is an absolutely fantastic starter and not such a great finisher, so she was just a little suprised when she set herself the task of finishing a manuscript in 2008 and actually did it. Not that it didn’t need tweaking. And there was lots of this happening when she was chosen to take part in “Mentoring the Muse” in 2009. She has found it a wonderful, mind-blowing, inspiring learning curve since that time and has been able to finish another seven manuscripts for young adults as well as four children’s books and two books for older primary age children (who would have thought!).

Sue-Ellen lives in a little community just outside Gladstone in Qld with her 3 beautiful children, who are an endless source of enthusiasm for what she’s doing, and her supportive, very patient husband (who gets very few opportunities to get on the computer!). She’s kept busy in her actual paid job as a social worker and in her unpaid role as taxi driver to her kids’ social events, school and part time jobs. Apart from the human contingent, Sue-Ellen also shares her home with 2 dogs (who think they’re human), 2 snakes (who actually have personalities!), a turtle, a blue tongue lizard and too many fish to count. And somewhere in there, she tries to find the time to write…

From sueellenpashley.com

To learn more visit https://sueellenpashley.com/

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