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Troy Howell

1953 -

Troy grew up in southern California, where he could view the snow-capped San Gabriel Mountains in winter and be in the waves of the Pacific the same day. Besides the wonder of nature, his early influences were Howard Pyle’s Otto of the Silver Hand, a book he discovered in his elementary school’s small portable library, Lamorisse’s magical film The Red Balloon, and his father’s occasional expressions of creativity and imagination. Troy now lives in Virginia. 

His work has won numerous awards and praises, including the Golden Kite Honor Award for best picture book text from the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. What matters most to him is work well done that tugs at the reader or viewer in some way, whether wonder, a laugh, a new thought, a sigh. Those are the best rewards.

From troyhowelletc.com

To learn more visit https://troyhowelletc.com

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