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Into the unknown and mysterious Northwest Territories went the hardy "voyageurs" of the Hudson's Bay Company. The strong young men seeking adventure and fur—the rich treasure of the North! First came Pierre Radisson, tanned and hardened by the endless treks, the fearsome labor of traveling hundreds of miles through harsh and savage countryside. After Radisson came others—Kelsey, D'Iberville and Hearn—tough and courageous men fated to conquer a wilderness and to create a new land.

Here is the story of the Hudson's Bay Company, the story of Canada itself. From the middle of the seventeenth century to the middle of the nineteenth—nearly two hundred years—the Old and the New Worlds battled with the broad expanse of Canada as a pawn, while men in the backwoods conquered the brutal wilderness, making their new territory the richest in the world.

The Northwest Company and the French posts deep in the backwoods rose to challenge the Hudson's Bay Company. But after years of hate and of strife the Company emerged triumphant. Peace and order reigned, the bountiful new territory was settled.

This book tales of the frozen North, the land of the beaver, the trader, the Indian. Behind its present peaceful exterior lies a story of bloodshed and violence, of treasures lost and won, of hardship and privation, and of valiant men who were not afraid to dream and to fight to make their dreams come true.

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Richard Morenus

Richard Morenus

1894 - 1968
Richard Morenus was a New York radio and magazine writer. He spent 6 years in the Canadian bush and wrote a book about it called Crazy White Man.... See more
Harry Barton

Harry Barton

1908 - 2001
Harry was born in Seattle and moved to New York City when he married in 1938. There he studied at the Art Students League. In the 1950s he painte... See more

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Plumfield Moms Podcast

Landmark Books: What They Are and Why They Matter
Released in 2022 by Plumfield Moms Podcast
Available formats: Streaming Audio
Length: 52 min.
View on the Plumfield Moms Podcast site

Two-part episode hosted by Podcast Moms with guests Sandy Hall (Hall's Living Library), Jill Morgan (Purple House Press), and Tanya Arnold (Biblioguides) where they discuss the Landmark series, how they came to be and why they are worth adding to a home library.



The Hudson's Bay Company by Richard Morenus
Reviewed by Sherry Early
This Landmark history book is really about the French voyageurs and the men of the Hudson’s Bay Company: Pierre Radisson, Medart Chouart des Groseilliers, Le Moyne d’Iberville, Henry Kelsey, Alexander MacKenzie, James Knight, Louis Riel.. And it’s about the fur trade and the ongoing centuries-long dispute between the French, the British, and the Native Americans over who would control that fur trade and reap the riches to be gained from it . . .

Read the full review on Semicolon