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Lad: A Dog

Lad: A Dog

Reviewed by Sherry Early
The stories in Lad, and they are, like those in the Herriot books, separate stories tied together by continuing characters, are about a collie dog owned by a gentleman farmer in New Jersey. Lad, a sort of composite of all of the collies owned by Terhune over the years, lives on The Place and follows The Law of obedience and loyalty to The Master and Mistress. When he’s not being brave and clever, Lad likes to chase squirrels and lord it over the other collies on The Place. Read the full review

The Lady and the Spider

The Lady and the Spider

Reviewed by Sherry Early
The Lady and the Spider is a quiet story with only a preschool dosage of suspense and excitement. But you and your child will never eat another lettuce without looking very carefully to see who might be hiding among the curly leaves. Read the full review

A Lantern in Her Hand

A Lantern in Her Hand

Reviewed by Sherry Early
This family saga was a serendipitous read that I picked up while browsing my library, unaware that so much of the story revolves around Christmas and family relationships and the reminiscences of an old woman who is near the end of her life. Read the full review


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